Truth About Cellulite

Truth About Cellulite 

Truth About Cellulite Review

According to recent studies, 90% of women have claimed to have experienced the appearance of dimpled skin on the surface different body parts, particularly on the arms, legs, and buttocks area. This bumpy and orange-peel skin appears typically when the layer of excessive fat below the skin pushes alongside the connective tissues. This is what they call “cellulite”. This skin condition is a regular occurrence mostly affecting women who are aging and carefully reaching the menopausal stage. Although this condition is not dangerous, most women prefer to find ways to get rid of this annoying excessive fat layers. Most products in the market offer temporary solutions such as lotions, creams, and potions but none of them have proved to remove the root cause of cellulite significantly.

That is why some women choose to go with the natural way of getting rid of cellulite. One of the popular products in the market today is the Truth About Cellulite. This product a guide book that talks about the annoying and embarrassing excessive fats found in the body. This book targets women who do not want to lose weight but wants to remove cellulite from the body. If you hate seeing these bumpy fats below the skin, then this book will help you.

What is the Truth About Cellulite program?

This book is proven to have a different approach compared to other anti-cellulite techniques available in the market today. What makes this product special, among others, is that this book emphasizes the concept of SYMULAST. The author, Joey Atlas, developed this type of exercise routine. In this SYMULAST Method, the routine targets the hips, thighs, butts, and legs. The term SYMULAST comes from the abbreviated words Synergistic Muscle Layer Stimulation. According to Atlas, there is a precise combination of movements with a required tempo when doing different forms of exercises. It is important to remember that this Truth About Cellulite is not a weight loss program. This guide book is made for people who want to have a happy life by removing unwanted cellulite from the body. The program does not force you to stick to an exercise routine, especially if you have a busy schedule. 

The SYMULAST Method 

With the SYMULAST Method, Atlas explains through the information videos that these multi-dimensional exercise routines are for the muscles which may be suffering from atrophy. The routine focuses on the lower part of the body, although he also offers stomach and free arm workout for those who will purchase the product. The SYMULAST method can activate more than 90 muscles in the body while performing and completing the exercise with proper sequence and tempo. This program recommends you to run this three times a week for 28 days in order to achieve maximum and best results. 

About Joey Atlas

The author of this guide book is Joey Atlas, who happens to be the founder of, a website that presents complete information about cellulite and ways to cure them. Atlas has advanced knowledge in the field of Exercise Physiology and has long professional experience in the same field. He is believed to be one of the experts in the areas of fitness, health, diet, body shaping, and more. 

What’s Inside the Truth About Cellulite?

The program has a detailed explanation of the things you need to know regarding cellulite. Included in this powerful guide is the discussion about the forms of cellulite, the reasons why it is hard to get rid of. This guide also includes instructional videos that display how SYMULAST are being executed so that you can easily follow and complete them. This exercise routine in the program has been intended not only to remove cellulite but as well as to improve blood circulation in the body. The Truth About Cellulite contains a personal schedule that you can follow when doing your exercise. There is a Cardio Cheat Sheet that will discuss to you the type of food you should be eating and the list of bad food you need to avoid. Once you purchase this product, you will have access to e-newsletter subscription to keep you updated on the news and trends about the program and about cellulite. Upon payment, you will have access to the website of Atlas with online videos and detailed instructions on the different routine you will work on. Lastly, the product comes with Gone for Good monitoring schedule that will help you stay on track on your routine and maintain them for your long term goal. 

Benefits of Truth About Cellulite Program

This eBook offers a lot of benefits, including the following:

-    This book does not require anybody wrapping, pills, and other treatments.

-    There is no using of chemicals and lotions.

-    There is no need for a starvation diet.

-    The exercises in the program can be executed even at the comfort of your homes.

-    No need to join the gym or spend a huge amount of money.

Truth About Cellulite 

The PROS of Truth About Cellulite

-    The Truth About Cellulite has a printable PDF version of SYMULAST Technique.

-    This guide covers several exercises on different fitness levels. Whether you are a beginner or advanced, this guide book will surely benefit you.

-    The price is reasonably affordable.

-    100% money back guarantee

-    Customer support and direction communication with the author, as claimed by other users.

The CON of Truth About Cellulite

-    It Lacks discussion on diet and more focused on routine exercises.


If you are really interested and dedicated to removing that cellulite in the body, then the Truth About Cellulite is a must try. If you are tired of using chemicals and other drug-based solution, then this is the right time to switch to a more natural and safe way to get rid of those unwanted fats. With this product, you will have nothing to lose since you can get a full refund within 60 days if the product does not satisfy you well.

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